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Monday, 25 January 2016

Full Sims3 Game Cheat Code

Using the "testingcheatsenabled" Command

This testingcheatsenabled cheat allows you to do several useful things when used properly. First, hold CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) and enter this code: testingcheatsenabled true

Now, hold SHIFT and click your letterbox. This will provide you with these options:

Make All Happy
Force Visitor
Set Career
Set level
You may also hold SHIFT and click on Sims to get these options:

Add Sim to House
Modify Sim Traits
Force Aging
In Ground View mode, hold SHIFT and click a spot and your Sim will teleport to it.

You can also click and drag your Sims' need bars to full. SHIFT-click the mailbox and select Make Needs Static to keep the max level until you leave the game. (Note: if you SHIFT-click the mailbox and it says Make Needs Dynamic, select that. SHIFT-Click the mailbox again and it will say Make Needs Static) This must be repeated each time you re-enter the game. But you only have to do it once, as it will work for all of the Sims in the household.

Hold SHIFT and click a Sim's workspace to do the following:

Force Event
Force Events
Force Opportunity

Cheat List

During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) to bring up the cheats console. Enter the codes below for the desired effect.

constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
enableLlamas - Enables llamas, obviously
jokePlease - Summon a joke
hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] - Hide all meters and effects
quit - Quit the game
help - Lists all available commands
slowMotionViz [x] - Slow motion, where [x] is 0-8 (0 is normal)
resetSim [x] - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home where [x] is first and last name
fps [on/off] - Toggles frames per second in upper right of HUD
fadeObjects [on/off] - Toggles object fade when camera zooms
testingcheatsenabled - Turns on Testing Cheats (See Below)
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] - Hold Alt to avoid object snap when toggled
kaching - While on the lot, this gives you $1,000
motherlode - While on the lot, this gives you $50,000
moveobjects on/off - Move anything (including Sims) in your Buy/Build mode
familyFunds [x][y] - Give money to a family, where [x] is the family's last name and [y] is the amount
fullscreen [on/off] - Toggles windowed mode
unlockOutfits [on/off] - Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS



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